Tuesday, June 5, 2007

4 Month Check Up

So I went to see Dr. Teaford on Monday. I got three shots and took them like a champ. I only screamed three times :) I also got weighed and measured. Here are my statistics.

WT. 14.12 lbs 50%

HT. 25.5" 75%

Head Circ.16.5" 25%

The verdict: I'm a healthy big boy with a small head.


Anonymous said...

Bryan Thomas does not have a small head. He is perfectly proportioned!
His proud Gramma

goofy4u2 said...

Was wondering where you guys have been lately. Wow, he's really getting big. I still need to meet him. If you guys come over before the end of July, please give me a call & hopefully I can make it to grandma's. I want to meet him before he goes to college. And, I agree with grandma, he does not have a big head!! Marsha