Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Check it!

Look At Me !!! from Carin77 on Vimeo.


C.M.S. said...

Oh boy, you guys are in for it now! We've been reading your blog since Brian told us about it a long time ago when Planet Pizza was still open. Bryan is growing up so fast, it's amazing. Our daughter Cody has a blog too. I print each entry out and put it into a binder so she will have a hard copy one day when she's grown. It's going to happen sooner than we know it! Enjoy every second with your boy. He's precious.
Paulina and Dern

Anonymous said...

Look at the boy "go"...Watch out with that remote:) He learning so fast! He'll be walking before you know it.
Paulina's idea of printing out the entries is such a good one. You guys are so lucky you live in this "hi-tech age." As a Gramma I sure do enjoy little BT & Peanut's blogs. I miss them both so much.

goofy4u2 said...

WOW!! Are you guys ready for all the new activity??? He'll be walking out the door soon!! It's so fantastic to see him doing stuff for the 1st time on film. I just love the "tippy toes" Nothin's safe any more!!Ain't technology great!! Keep it up. We really enjoy seeing the progress. John & Marsha